Innate Connection CIC


Who are we?

Innate Connection CIC is a community interest company set up to provide farm-based wellbeing coaching services to young people who have been identified as being likely to benefit. Innate Connection CIC works closely with local schools and charities to identify young people to ensure the most benefit is gained.


Innate Connection CIC applies for funding in the form of grants to ensure subsidised or fully-funded places can be provided to young people.


Our projects

healthy minds holiday club

This Wellbeing-Centred Holiday Club provides farm-based wellbeing days to young people during the school holidays. Run by an experienced wellbeing coach and teacher, the holiday club gives the opportunity for coaching in a green-space environment. Innate Connection CIC works with local schools and charities to identify groups of young people who would most benefit from the provision.

What’s in it for the community being served?

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Farm-based, enriching and engaging activities are provided to the young people during the school holidays, supporting and promoting their mental health and wellbeing. The holiday club supports mental health through forming new relationships and a sense of community, spending time outdoors, learning to care for animals and learning a sustainable approach to their mental health through coaching. These new skills and understanding benefit the young people by uncovering confidence and self-esteem, thus reducing the risk of mental health difficulties.

A wholesome meal

Healthy eating is important for both physical and mental health, with much research now linking gut health with mental health. The holiday club will ensure the young people it serves have a full meal every day that they attend, with all food being provided. This will run alongside food education, as the young people have the chance to see food growing, to pick it, prepare and cook it together before enjoying it as a group. Having nutrition as one of the focuses of the holiday club benefits the young people’s health and wellbeing, which is personally beneficial to them as well as meaning they can return to school in a healthier way.  


We are delighted that the National Lottery Community Fund will fund the first stage of Healthy Minds Holiday Club. This will ensure young people who attend in 2021 can have fully-funded places on the holiday club.

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Innate Connection CIC - Company Number 12257448

Dunkirk Farm, Gover Hill, Mount Hawke, Cornwall, TR4 8BH