
for individuals

Coaching for children, young people and adults allows clients to connect with the innate resources that reside within them. The direction of travel with Innate Connection is one toward a greater sense of self-esteem, confidence, wellbeing, love and hope.

Vicky’s natural enthusiasm and her ability to relate to the children at all levels, identifying areas of need and finding positive solutions, has inspired so many children to believe in themselves and look for ways to turn their lives around. She is equally at home with children with exceptional needs as she is with those with exceptional ability. She covers the whole spectrum.
— Headteacher, 2018

revealing a fresh perspective

Uncovering within you an innate sense of wellbeing allows you to know there is nothing within you to fix; that you are perfectly complete and deeply okay. Coaching conversations enable you to take the time for reflection on areas of importance to you, as well as exploring a different perspective on the nature of the human experience. New perspectives might include a deeper understanding of the power of thought, how this links to our feelings, and how, in any moment, you have the power for insight leading to fresh ideas and new perspectives.

Coaching with Vicky has allowed me to explore the thinking that has been preventing me from enjoying my profession as much as I once did, and all of this is done within a safe, secure and trusting environment. Vicky always creates a relaxed atmosphere, which has always made me feel comfortable about opening up about the difficulties I have faced.
— Adult coaching client

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For Children and Young People

Is your child or a child you know feeling anxious or worried? Are they exhibiting challenging behaviours or appearing to lack self-confidence? Wellbeing coaching can help them to discover their inner bounce and natural resilience.


Wellbeing coaching for children and young people promotes emotional intelligence, self-awareness and an overall sense of ease, security and possibility.

Coaching instils the understanding that they are not broken, do not need fixing and have an innate sense of wholeness already within them.

My days and hours at Innate Connection are moments so special to me. I benefit every time I go there and I am so grateful a place like that exists in my life. I am beyond grateful that someone like Vicky exists; she has helped me understand the person I am today and because of that I can say the person I am is beautiful, whole and someone my younger self would be extremely proud of.
— Coaching client, 2021-2023

The enjoyable space created through coaching, as well as the evolving coaching relationship, allows the child to gain an awareness of any situation that may require deeper reflection or exploration, thus giving them the understanding to face any current or future challenges. This service is valuable for any child who would benefit from personalised one-to-one support within a relaxed, secure and engaging space.

During our time together, the interest of the child is paramount to making the wellbeing sessions really personal and engaging. The purpose of any activity is to allow the child to be in the moment where they will naturally fall into a state of creativity, ease and contentment. Once a child is in a balanced state of mind, they are more able to discuss any problems or challenges they are having with a wider perspective, taking a step back from whatever they have been finding hard to see new ways forward or to be able to ask for the help they need.

One-to-one has helped me to know I am kind, funny, nice, loving, helpful and lovely. It has helped me to know those things because when I do stuff with Vicky it helps me know I am a good person
— Child receiving coaching

During coaching sessions, most children and young people take a blended approach. They engage in activities that help their mind to clear such as art and craft, reading a book together, taking a walk, playing games or seeing the animals. Once settled, the child tends to be ready to open up. Sometimes, however, a child doesn’t want to talk about what they are finding challenging but I find having a chance to completely be themselves, to be relaxed, secure and calm, with one-to-one attention from a caring professional, resets their compass. Using my integrative approach, I listen deeply to the child, asking them questions to help them see the world, and themselves, with new eyes.

In my individual sessions I come away feeling lighter with a more balanced outlook on life but in a way that I have found that myself. In these sessions with Vicky, she invites you to talk about anything you want, anything that is meaningful and important to you. Throughout my time there I have not only learnt more about myself in every way possible, but I have come to understand that I am and always have been whole. That I am not broken or made up of broken parts but instead, and using an analogy that Vicky has taught me, I am the sky. Beautiful and whole in all its glory, every scenario, emotion, feeling or thing I express can be looked at like the weather, a storm, a hurricane, sunshine or rain, despite all these things I am whole and that is one of the most beneficial and important things I have taken away from all of my sessions.
— Coaching client, 2021-2023

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For Adults

Are you feeling anxious or depressed, feel like you are struggling or are lacking a sense of ease? Are you always searching for tools and techniques to help you to feel better? Do you find that some of the tools you use help for a short while until old ways of thinking or feeling return? Personalised one-to-one coaching with Innate Connection could help you look in a new direction, finding within what you have been searching for.


Innate Connection's wellbeing coaching will help you to look in a new direction: inwards rather than outwards.

Through greater self-understanding and self-validation, you'll find whatever you need in the moment, empowering you to know that you are not broken, that you have what you need at all times, that you are already whole, perfectly complete and deeply okay.

From this space, you can solve problems, find practical solutions and live life with confidence through clarity of mind.

Coaching sessions with Vicky has enabled me to re-assess my priorities, particularly in relation to workload. I have been able to evaluate my approaches to my practice and have revealed some of the mistakes I have made when trying to do ‘a good job’, i.e. My default was to continuously work which compromised both my effectiveness and my wellbeing
— Teacher receiving coaching